Life In Fifth Grade

I have been here for  3 weeks now I have learn so much. Here some facts I learned, first I learned what  a collective noun is.I also learned  how to round decimals in Mrs. Brantley’s  class. In Mrs. McFall’s class we learned you can have a growth mindset or in other words make your brain bigger. Mrs. Lobue taught us all about the climax.I almost forgot about Mr.McBride. He taught us  about non living  and living things working together in an environment.Today we are working on making a map in Mrs. McFall class.




Wildflower Research

Today I’m working on a wildflower research project, and here are some facts I learned about the Rocky  Mountain  Penstemon.  Its scientific  name is Penstemon Strictus, and its scientific classification is (Scrophulariaceae).  The height of the flower is 2-3 1/2 ft.  The most beautiful part are the pedals, the color pink/blue/ purple are blended together, but it looks like Indigo.  Its blooming period is May -July, and that is about 3 months.  Here are some suggested uses: slopes, hill sides, roadsides, and mixtures.Here are some interesting facts: An upright perennial native to the western  and central United States.  The closely packed snapdragon -like, purple, tubular flower are arranged  on a sturdy spike.  All these facts are found on a website called wildflowers  in Bloom-Aggie Horticulture.

George Washington

Today I read about George Washington. Here are some facts I learned.

1. George Washington has no middle name.

2. He was the Commander of the Continental Army.

3. He had bad teeth that were made from cow’s teeth, hippopotamus ivory,and even human’s teeth.

4. George Washington was a red head,but in some pictures he has white hair.

5. George Washington was a president for two terms.                                                                                        The one question I have is, how did he die?


Abraham Lincoln

Today I read about Abraham Lincoln. Here are some facts I learned.

1.  He was born on February 12,1809

2. That he was shot in the head by John Wilkes Booth.

3. His death helped the North and South come together.

4. He never became, but still lived a good life.

5. The South was sad that Abraham died.                                                             The one question I have is, how old he was when he died?

Row Your Site

The White Tailed Deer

A male is called a buck, the mother is called a doe, and the baby is called a fawn.

A White Tail Deer’s diet are grasses and shrubs.

The White Tailed Deer needs to be a where of a bobcat, bears, people, coyotes, and wolves.

A White Tailed Deer lives in the forests, grasslands, farmlands, and swamps.

The White Tailed Deer is not endangered.

A White Tailed Deer lets other deer know if there is danger around.

The White Tailed Deer is a very shy animal.

The White Tailed Deer can smell danger.

Its a mammal.

The White Tailed Deer is the smallesy North American deer.

I found this information on

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