My Constitutional Rights

One rule is that you should treat others the way they treated you.

Two no one would  be left out even if their skin color is different,black or white you should treat others with respect no matter what.

Three we should put no god before the real God,everyone will go to Church.

Four if you think your left out in school  you need to stand up for whats right.

Five you would never be mean for even hurt someones feeling,in real life or even the computer.

Six an adult will haft to be with you on the computer so that you don’t bully on the computer.

Seven the town will never get in a fight or the person who started i will haft to leave this happy city.If someone lies he person who lied will never come back,and the person who first went out of town will be called person of the week.

Eight you need to wear the best of what you have and at church you put in the offering 250$,for the or-fins and for the poor and for the sick.

Nine if someone gets sick someone else would go out of town for a couple days to get enough medicien for twenty people and then come back in time to save him or her.

Ten you need to make freinds really easily so that you can fit in the school you go to,and if you don’t fit in will let you go to anouther school with your choice of school. If you still don’t fit in will get you some friends.

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