1. 3 girls work at a Shirtwaist factory on the 8th floor when the factory starts burning.The walls start collapsing so they try to push on the door but it is locked.So they decide to smash the window and jump because they know will die either way. The 3 girls jump along with some others there and end up all dying. It gets out to the news and they end up passing a law to prevent future catastrophes like that one
I was very shocked when hearing the suffering they go through just to make a couple cents a day, and locking the door was a horrible thing to do. What about their family it must stink to lose a child.
2. 3 kids are interviewed about the job they perform. To teach everyone about history, the first kids was someone named Dennis who worked as a coal breaker at the age of 12. He sits in a box and under him coal and other things go by he has to pick out everything but coal, and if they miss any time the people dock his pay. He also lost 2 friends and 2 fingers while working there. Next is Molly who is about 9 she works at a textile mill.There she is a spinner she walks up the aisles between each spinning machine and brushes the lent off.Another thing she does is tie the broken ends of the tread together. Again they dock their pay if they are late.She can not go to school because with her family including her they make just enough for their family to eat.There at the mill everyone has a cough but they can’t afford a doctor. Last of all is Jacob he is 6 he and his family work as oyster shucker he opens up the oysters and takes the meat out. They pay his family 5 cents a pale. He has to be careful not to slice a finger or 2 like his brother.
I was worried when hearing all they go through each and everyday it must be horrible and painful to have your friends die and losing fingers what pain.