It was the day I was in the gym about to throw a full. It was nerve wrecking. My palms were so sweaty. I was jumping up and down until it was my turn, and then I realized my tongue was bleeding from me biting it. I also would kept walking back and forth while looking at my mom then at my coach, Jason. Finally it was my turn, and everything bad that could happen to me rushed through my body and gave me the chills. After a little panic, I licked my lips and with all my might pushed forward and did a round- off backhand- spring. Then just like that I was flying, I went up and threw a full with my coach away from me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my mom jumping up and down. Then I heard her say,” Do it again but with me videoing.” I starting to freak out but I took a deep breath in and with my mom videoing I threw it again with ease. I was so happy that day I walked out smiling like a cheshire cat.