This 2017 I can’t wait for middle school because I get my very own locker where I put my books. I also love volleyball and we get to practice with Coach Thorn ,but I might be better because I went to her volleyball practice every Monday. I learned new things like base and how to serve the ball. Actually I am most excited for 7th grade for the basketball and volleyball competition. The one thing I can’t forget is how we leave all we do is walk out and wait for our parents to come and pick us up. I’m hoping in middle school I make tons of new friends to talk and play with. Another good thing is we don’t have to stay in a line to go to different periods because we just go to our locker get our books for the next period then go.
Author Archives: asaccoccio
Pearl Harbor
- The attack communed at 7:50 a.m.
- The Japanese fleet sent 353 planes to attack us
- More than 3,000 people die or got injured
- 11 ships sunk and 188 planes destroyed
- 960 bodies were never found
- Only 28 planes got shot down and 5 midget submarines sunk
- Japanese was about to send a second plane attack but they cancelled I was mad and sad because of the attack. I was mad that they attack us off guard and that many people died because of that attack. I was sad for all the people who lost their life, and especially the families who lost their sons and maybe daughters. I was also sad more than 3000 people either died or got injured. Most of all I was sad that 960 bodies were never found. What makes me angry that the radio picked up the signal that they were coming and they just ignored it, but I am glad that we now have better technology so now we can tell if it is a battle ship or not.
Christmas Couplets
The Kid Who Ran For President
This 12 year old boy named Judson Moon works with his best friend ,Lane.They worked together to make Moon president of The United States. Read the book to find out if he wins.
I loved this book because it was detail, the facts on presidents,and it even includes awesome, funny scenes like no other.It surprised me who won! I love how his best friend,Abby, stood by him and even supported her even when she disagreed. She is a really good friend. I have learned the definition of some words are.This book uses a lot of funny phrases and even some funny names! Read to find you will laugh to!
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week was made so young kids don’t grow up to do drugs, and end up in prison. Red Ribbon Week is by far the largest and oldest drug prevention campaign in the country, and one of the most effective for kids.Red this years theme was,” Yolo,be drug free. Red Ribbon Week helps kids of all ages to make better choices in life to not take drugs. Drugs can kill people by sickening them, causing canser, and many more ills. Thousands of people each year die from canser. It is horrible for your heart.
The Haunted Night
Just before the sun rose on October 31,2001.It was pitch black and dead silent. John Benet slowly walked to the basement, she heard the stairs creaking. As soon as she got to the bottom standing right in front of her was a sign that read,” Laboratory.”She opened it. Suddenly she heard a loud spark, and then footsteps,” Thump, thump, thump.” She darted out of there and headed for an abandoned restaurant. When she thought she was safe,” BOO!” A ghost had popped up from behind her.Then from somewhere she heard a KILLER. This killer was in all black. He had been wanted for over 10 years.He was swinging around knives.She ran for the door when again the ghost popped out,” BOO!” This time she jumped.She had feared ghosts for more than 6 years. Her worst fear had come to life. Ghosts still gave her the creepy creeps. So, she turned around and ran for the door. Luckily she made it out with no breath in left in her. She didn’t know the ghost was following her,and she stopped to turn her phone completely off so no one could see her phone vibrate.She ran back home and under the stairs trying to fall asleep. She woke up to the killer in her face. He was about to end her, but she managed to escape while he was talking about his boring plan to kill her. Finally, she found a safe place where she thought she was safe, but she didn’t know there were demon dogs that were on the same as the evil ghost. She finally ran to her best friends house, Raylee’s house. At her house Raylee, Savanna and I ran upstairs. I looked sweaty to them. What they didn’t know was that the ghost had possessed Mrs. Heather (Raylee’s mom). She tried to fight back, but she losted. Finally, Jon Benet walked out in the dark, scary road to find monsters surrounded her. She fainted! She woke up to find she was in the lab with the monsters sorrounding her. She was a monster now. The monsters had killed Raylee, Savanna, And Mrs. Heather Gajewsky. They never saw them again. Ever Halloween I come out and kill people.
Peaceful and happy childhood
On April 5,1614 she married John Rolfe
Captured by English Captain Samuel Argall
Around a year later of being married she had a son, Thomas
Her life began in 1595, or at least that’s what people believe
One day, the leader of Jamestown had been captured by Pocahontas’ father’s warriors
Not long after getting married she was baptized and took the name “Rebecca”
Their relationship with Powhatan and the settlers improved after saving John Smith’s life
As she planned to go to Virginia, she got sick and died on March of 1617
Saved John Smith
I chose Plymouth because I felt it had more freedom than Jamestown. Here you are friends with the Native Americans, so now you don’t have to run from the Native Americans. Also you can drink clean water and eat good food. While you are there you can celebrate the first Thanksgiving with the pilgrims. There is a clean environment with lots of fresh soil you can plant your seeds in. If you come to Plymouth and get a job worth little money. If you didn’t know there are lots of food here so you won’t starve to death. There is plenty of safe homes you can live in.
9/11 Reflections
I remember that my dad told me how he was underwater when his co-workers radio him to come up because our nation was under attack. He saw people going to church. Some people scared,angry, and sad. He felt scared,grateful, vulnerable. I would be horrified, scared,nervous, and bad. He wants me to know freedom is not free. I felt angry and disappointed about terrorism.