War Of 1812

Wanted for the United States not to trade with France and only trade with the British

American tribes prevented the United States from expanding west

Restrictions of the United States was to not expand west

On 1812 British attack France and stopped the United States from trading with France

First thing the United States did was attack the British colony of Canada, and it did not go so well

1814 the British started to fight back against France and the United States

8th of January,1815, the Battle of New Orleans which took place in Louisiana ended

1213 the U.S.A. won the Battle of Lake Erie

24th of December was when Great Britain signed the Treaty Of Glent

Credit to

The Battle of Cowpens

Today I am witnessing the Battle of Cowpens  here just north of Cowpens, South Carolina.Brigadier General Daniel Morgan is  hopefully leading the American colonists to victory while Lieutenant Colonel Banastre  Tarlemn is leading the British forces. Looks to me like there are 110 dead for the British and 12 killed for the Americans. 200 wounded for the British and 60 injured for the Americans. Finally 500 taken prisoner from the British and none captured fro the Americans, and we won!! This day should be remembered because it was a devastating effect on the British morale, and increased our confidence. This probably  started when scored victories in South Carolina at Charleston then again in Camden. Then Commander of the Continental Army’s Southern campaign decided to divide the Patriot troops in the Carolinas.Only to force the larger British contingent to fight them on multiply fronts. So now that the British were in smaller groups the Patriots could only now defeat them.  Created to https://reinsteinrevolutionper8.wikispaces.com/Battle+of+Cowpens     for the picture

Patriot Poem

Celebrated as a heroine of the American Revolutionary War

Famous for her night right in April

Mounted on her horse,Star

16 years old

Sybil Ludington

 Riding for freedom

Rode more than Paul Revere

Alerted militia forces the British were approaching

Legend of the lone,teenage girl riding for freedom

 This image  is by               boston1775.blogspot.com/2012/01/going-back-to-sybil-ludington.html